
Abbiamo selezionato e messo insieme preziose risorse , progettate per fornire formazione e supporto sia ai professionisti nel settore della medicina nucleare sia ai loro pazienti. Le nostre risorse spaziano da corsi online ad applicazioni su cellulare per il paziente, in modo da aiutare i nostri partner e coloro che sono da loro assistiti.

The Curium Way

Lo scopo, la missione, la visione e i valori di Curium sono saldamente costruiti attorno alle persone: pazienti, medici, impiegati e l’intera società. In questo video, i dipendenti Curium che lavorano in una varietà di funzioni all’interno dell’organizzazione discutono di ciò che li ispira e di come il loro scopo personale si allinea con il Curium Way.

Curium’s World Class Manufacturing Facilities

La rete di produzione integrata verticalmente di Curium è la più grande del settore radiofarmaceutico, tra cui un impianto di lavorazione del molibdeno, 1 impianti PET, 4 grandi impianti SPECT e 44 farmacie nucleari PET e SPECT negli Stati Uniti e in Europa. Guarda questo video per saperne di più su come la nostra rete di produzione globale supporta 14 milioni di pazienti ogni anno.

understanding nuclear medicine

Comprendere la Medicina Nucleare

I nostri corpi hanno una storia da raccontare e l’ Imaging Nucleare è uno strumento vitale per la comprensione di ogni storia e per aiutare a diagnosticare la malattia. In Curium siamo impegnati nella consegna dei nostri prodotti ad oltre 35,000 pazienti che necessitano di diagnosi e trattamenti cruciali ogni giorno.

Expanded Access Program (U.S.)

Expanded access is a general term used to refer to a variety of regulatory mechanisms available to provide treatment access to patients with a life-threatening or severely debilitating disease for whom commercially available therapies or diagnostics have failed or are not available.

Curium Patient guide

Patient Education (U.S.)

We are pleased to offer introductory nuclear imaging guides for patients and their families. Select a Nuclear Imaging topic:

This information is intended for technologists based in the US.

Curium Online courses

Online CE courses (U.S.)

We offer a robust catalog of online CE courses on a variety of imaging and development topics.

These courses are structured in a self-paced learning format and can be conveniently accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All courses are accredited by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) and Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) and are offered free of charge to the participant.

This service is only available to technologists based in the US.

Medical staff education

Continuing education for technologists (U.S.)

We offer a wide variety of continuing education (CE) programs that focus on the needs of nuclear medicine technologists.

Leader-led CE courses:

Leader-led courses are presented by a knowledgeable member of our Curium North American sales team. Live delivery of these interactive courses allows for group discussion and question and answer sessions with participants. These programs can be held on-site at your facility or at a third-party location of your choice. Our CE courses are accredited by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) VOICE and are offered at no cost to the participant. The courses offered cover a wide range of imaging topics.

This service is only available to technologist based in the U.S.

Doctor with patient

Patient Education (Germany)

Sehr geehrte Patientin,

die Nuklearmedizin bietet Ihrem Arzt Möglichkeiten, Beschwerden zu untersuchen oder zu behandeln. Dazu gehören die Myokardszintigraphie zur Diagnostik des Herzens und die Radiosynoviorthese zur Therapie von Gelenkerkrankungen, die im folgenden Video und in den folgenden Broschüren näher beschrieben werden.

Sollten Sie Fragen zu diesen Methoden haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren behandelnden Arzt.

Xenon Gas Directions for use (U.S.)

Learn more about our Xenon Gas products and directions for use. Xenon XE 133 Gas and XenotronTM Xenon (Xe133) Gas Dispenser approved for use in US.

Webinar : GALLIUM 68

Le 8 juin 2021, CURIUM PET France a organisé en collaboration avec Eckert & Ziegler un webinar sur le Gallium68. Les principaux thèmes abordés ont été :

  • Intérêt clinique
  • Réalités économiques
  • Le futur du Gallium 68


CURIUM PET France est heureux de partager avec vous le webinar sur l’Intelligence Artificielle qui s’est tenu lors du congrès de médecine nucléaire en novembre 2020.

  • Pourquoi l’Intelligence Artificielle en médecine nucléaire ?
  • Deep learning et imagerie nucléaire des cancers de la prostate
  • Intelligence Artificielle : de la théorie à la pratique

La Production by CURIUM PET France

Chaque nuit les collaborateurs de CURIUM PET France s’investissent pour produire des radiopharmaceutiques permettant d’améliorer la prise en charge des patients au quotidien. Vous retrouverez, à travers ce film, les étapes-clés de la production.